MSc Students

Ebru Tuncay
I graduated from Kastamonu University Genetics and Bioengineering department and I'm a MSc student in ITU Molecular Biology Genetics and Biotechnology master program with my advisor Assoc. Prof. Mert Gür. I'm interested in bioinformatics, protein-protein interaction, protein structure and interaction and Molecular Dynamics.

Cihan Uğur Otçu
I graduated from Gaziosmanpaşa University, Department of Bioengineering. I completed my 3rd grade education at Yıldız Technical University Bioengineering Department with Farabi Program. I completed my undergraduate thesis with the project "DESIGN OF BI-DIRECTIONAL SELECTION MARKERS AS PART OF THE Pichia Pastoris CRISPR/Cas9 SYSTEM DESIGN" within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2209B (2241A) Industry Focused Undergraduate Thesis Support Program. I am currently continuing my education in Istanbul Technical University Molecular Biology Genetics and Biotechnology master's program. I carry out my studies on molecular dynamics and modeling in the field of theoretical and computational biophysics. My interests include dance sports and electronic music.